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"The true meaning of life is to plant trees,

under whose shade you do not expect to sit."


(some form since Greek & Roman times)



Great for Shade

We offer a large selection of deciduous trees and are sure to have a tree to suit your situation. We carry approximately 75 varieties of deciduous trees throughout the season, from toddlers through teens! Our most popular trees are Maples and Oaks, flowering trees such as Hydrangea standards, and many native species.



Perfect for Privacy

We carry a large variety of evergreens, approximately 50 different kinds available potted or in wire baskets (B&B). They range from small garden evergreens to large yard trees. Spruce are our most popular evergreen tree and are perfect for both privacy and feature accents. We carry a nice variety of trees that are appropriate for the garden and smaller spaces. Yews, junipers, and cedars are a wonderful addition to the garden for winter interest. We even carry topiaries and other more unusual, top grafted evergreens.

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