The Full Story
The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
Farmgate Gardens is full of rich, local history. Originally, Samuel Hazleton, a United Empire Loyalist, selected this farm in 1789. John Gibson's parents, Bob & Sylvia, bought the farm (literally) in 1971 from Ron Longwell. In 1979, John graduated with his Agriculture degree from the University of Guelph. After a short time in the military, John returned to the farm and started Farmgate Produce. After 7 years of market gardening, John transitioned the business into the garden centre/nursery. Shortly after, he met Catherine Milne, a Landscape Architect, also a graduate of the U of G. Catherine had opened her own business practicing Landscape Architecture after having gained knowledge working in environmental and urban planning. The two were married a couple of years later, raised 3 children, and now live happily ever after.